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Technoschool Learn

TechnoSchool Learn is an all-in-one platform to aid your online learning. Streamline the process of teaching and learning and bridge the gap between students and teachers. Teach online, share ebooks, and other resources with students, grade assignments and manage exams online and much more..

Technoschool Learn

TechnoSchool Learn is an all-in-one platform to aid your online learning. Streamline the process of teaching and learning and bridge the gap between students and teachers. Teach online, share ebooks, and other resources with students, grade assignments and manage exams online and much more..
Crafted to elegantly move your learning styles from physical classrooms to online classes and designed to offer hassle-free teaching and learning experiences.

Our Solutions

Best Online Learning Platform for Schools

For teachers: Teach online, share e-books, and other resources with students, grade assignments and manage exams online and much more..

For students: Clarify doubts, revise concepts, develop their analytical skills and customise their learning needs at home

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Our Solutions

Best Online Learning Platform for Schools

For teachers: Teach online, share e-books, and other resources with students, grade assignments and manage exams online and much more..

For students: Clarify doubts, revise concepts, develop their analytical skills and customise their learning needs at home

Request a Free Demo!

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How TechnoSchool Learn Helps Students And Teachers?

How TechnoSchool Learn Helps Students And Teachers?

Access ICT Package
Take Online Quizzes and Exams
Run Virtual Programming Labs
Take Practice tests and Assignments
Monitor Learning Progress
Earn Badges and Certificates
Participate in various Discussion Forums
Receive Notifications and Announcements
Enploy our teaching tools to take online classes
Construct Online Exams with wide variety of Question types
Assess Programming Lab Exams Online
Evaluate Student performances & Grade them
Create Discussion Forums
Make Announcements & Receive Notification
Analyze Classwise and Studentwise reports
Access ICT Package
Take Online Quizzes and Exams
Run Virtual Programming Labs
Take Practice tests and Assignments
Monitor Learning Progress
Earn Badges and Certificates
Participate in various Discussion Forums
Receive Notifications and Announcements
Enploy our teaching tools to take online classes
Construct Online Exams with wide variety of Question types
Assess Programming Lab Exams Online
Evaluate Student performances & Grade them
Create Discussion Forums
Make Announcements & Receive Notification
Analyze Classwise and Studentwise reports

One-Stop Online Learning Solution For Schools

One-Stop Online Learning Solution For Schools

Classroom Learning Vs Online Learning

Classroom Learning Vs Online Learning

Before Pandemic - Classroom Education
Online Education - Future of Learning
Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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Best Online Learning Platform for Schools
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